The International Court of Justice ruling on provisional measures was announced. For updated information on ICJ actions, please go here.

BOYCOTT ISRAELI APARTHEID STOP FUNDING GENOCIDE - FREE PALESTINEScotia Bank holds the largest foreign share of Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest arms manufacturer.This makes Scotia Bank the largest foreign investor in a company that profits off Palestinian death.Withdraw your money from Scotia Bank until they agree to divest from Elbit Systems.Learn more about Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions here:

BDS Boycott list

International Court of Justice:
South Africa (on behalf of Palestine) v. Israel

Hearing was January 11, 2024 at 11 am in The Hague

About The Case
This is a pivotal moment in ending Israel’s genocidal actions in Palestine. The South African government has filed a case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) accusing Israel of breaching its obligations under the 1948 Genocide Convention.
**These hearings could result in immediate relief for the people of Gaza and a pathway to a ceasefire. South Africa is requesting that the ICJ issue emergency provisional measures including an end to Israel’s military operations against Gaza, an end to Israel’s mass displacement of the population of Gaza, and an end to Israel’s deprivation of food, water, and other essential supplies.Israeli officials have widely broadcasted their genocidal intent and the world watched in horror as they swiftly delivered with 1 person in Gaza killed every 4 minutes, with the majority of those killed being women and children. Experts in International Human Rights Law agree that the evidence included in South Africa’s 84 page application more than meets the requirement for the ICJ to issue emergency provisional measures. This would mean all 153 countries that are signatories to the Genocide Convention would be compelled to take all necessary measures to end Israel’s genocidal actions in Gaza.

Canada's Role:
Canada has signed onto every article in the ICJ and is a contracting party to the Genocide Convention. Nevertheless, Canada has a history of using its political power to sabotage efforts to hold Israel accountable. In 2020, Ottawa opposed an International Criminal Court investigation of Israel’s war crimes on technical grounds that Canada does not recognize Palestine as a state and could, therefore, not recognize the ICC’s jurisdiction over territories within such a state.
Israel is already trying to subvert and silence the voices of the majority of people in Canada who are demanding a ceasefire. A leaked copy of a cable by the Israeli Foreign Ministry to embassies has revealed Israel’s plans to impede the ICJ proceedings by getting countries like Canada to issue statements against South Africa’s case. Israel is especially trying to pressure Canada and the U.K. as both nations are full signatories to all articles of the ICJ unlike U.S.The Israeli government is terrified of the ICJ. "A ruling by the court could have significant potential implications that are not only in the legal world but have practical bilateral, multilateral, economic, security ramifications," reads the Israeli Foreign Ministry cable. The ICJ is the highest legal authority in the UN system and has more credibility than the International Criminal Court which is at the mercy of funders and founders (US and NATO).We know that Israel will do everything in its power to compel Canada to support its brutality. We must speak up, and speak now, to demand that Canada do the right thing.

EMERGENCY PHONE BLITZ: Tell Canada to hold Israel accountable for Genocide at International Court of Justice

We're calling on all concerned residents of Canada to flood the offices of our federal leaders THIS WEEK!Join the Phone-A-Thon on Zoom on Wednesday Jan 10 (12-7 pm EST) or just call on your own!SCRIPT: Hi my name is ______ and I'm a Canadian voter. I am calling on you to demand that Canada support South Africa's application at the International Court of Justice invoking the Genocide Convention.
The evidence speaks for itself. Israeli officials have widely broadcasted their genocidal intent against Palestinians. I have watched in horror as over 30,000 innocent people killed, including 9,000 children. Canada must uphold its commitment to a ceasefire and support the South African application at the ICJ.
At the very least Canada must let the case proceed. As a party to the Genocide Convention, it is Canada's responsibility to uphold international law and protect Palestinians from genocide.

613-992-4211 (Hill Office)
514-277-6020 (Constituency Office)
Fax: 613-947-0310
YOUR OWN MP: Find your MP's phone number by clicking hereMÉLANIE JOLY (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
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CHRYSTIA FREELAND (Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance)
613-992-5234 (Hill Office)
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Fax: 613-996-9607
PIERRE POILIEVRE (Leader of the Official Opposition)
613-992-2772 (Hill Office)
613-692-3331 (Constituency Office)
Fax: 613-992-1209
ROBERT RAE (Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations in New York)
In staff directory, type in his last name. If his voicemail is full, type in his assistant's name Barbara Koop for her voicemail instead.
Fax: 212-848-1195
LESLIE NORTON (Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations in Geneva and to the Conference on Disarmament)
+41 22 919 92 00
Fax: +41 22 919 92 27